Posts Tagged ‘military pork’
Permanently Off Base
Commentary: The Berlin Wall went away two decades ago. It’s high time for the military occupation of Germany to follow.
(BuzzFlash, November 25, 2009)
Tags: berlin wall, buzzflash, commentary, jeff fleischer, military, military pork, okinawa
Son of Star Wars?
That other countries want to be part of it doesn’t make missile defense a good idea.
(Mother Jones, June 24, 2004)
Tags: australia, daily mojo, jeff fleischer, military pork, missile defense, mother jones, national missile defense, weapons
“Star Wars” and the True Phantom Menace
Commentary: Eliminating national missile defense is the first step on the path back to sane proliferation policy.
(BuzzFlash March 31, 2009)
Tags: buzzflash, commentary, jeff fleischer, military pork, missile defense, weapons