Posts Tagged ‘voting reform’
Holding Power Accountable
The president of Common Cause talks about election-day voting problems, the need for electoral reform, and the importance of staying engaged.
(Mother Jones, December 13, 2004
Tags: 2004 election, chellie pingree, common cause, jeff fleischer, mother jones, voting reform, voting rights
Still Counting
Undercounts, disenfranchisement, allegations of dirty tricks: Ohio is a microcosm of what’s wrong with America’s electoral system.
(Mother Jones, December 8, 2004)
Tags: 2004 election, ballots, florida, jeff fleischer, ohio, politics, voting reform, voting rights
The Next Florida Could Be … Florida
Outstanding lawsuits, allegations of fraud, uneven standards for voting. Will history repeat itself in the 2004 election?
(Mother Jones, October 7, 2004)
Tags: 2004 election, daily mojo, florida, jeff fleischer, mother jones, voting patterns, voting reform, voting rights
Here Come the Dirty Tricks
With two weeks to go before Election Day, the usual cast of shady characters are out to suppress the vote.
(Mother Jones, October 19, 2004)
Tags: daily mojo, george w bush, jeff fleischer, john kerry, mother jones, voting reform