Posts Tagged ‘voting rights’
Holding Power Accountable
The president of Common Cause talks about election-day voting problems, the need for electoral reform, and the importance of staying engaged.
(Mother Jones, December 13, 2004
Tags: 2004 election, chellie pingree, common cause, jeff fleischer, mother jones, voting reform, voting rights
Still Counting
Undercounts, disenfranchisement, allegations of dirty tricks: Ohio is a microcosm of what’s wrong with America’s electoral system.
(Mother Jones, December 8, 2004)
Tags: 2004 election, ballots, florida, jeff fleischer, ohio, politics, voting reform, voting rights
The Next Florida Could Be … Florida
Outstanding lawsuits, allegations of fraud, uneven standards for voting. Will history repeat itself in the 2004 election?
(Mother Jones, October 7, 2004)
Tags: 2004 election, daily mojo, florida, jeff fleischer, mother jones, voting patterns, voting reform, voting rights