Posts Tagged ‘florida’
Intelligence Matters
The former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee on the failures of the U.S. intel community and the need for reform.
(Mother Jones, November 23, 2004)
Tags: 9/11, bob graham, florida, intelligence, intelligence matters, interview, jeff fleischer, mother jones, senator, war on terror
Still Counting
Undercounts, disenfranchisement, allegations of dirty tricks: Ohio is a microcosm of what’s wrong with America’s electoral system.
(Mother Jones, December 8, 2004)
Tags: 2004 election, ballots, florida, jeff fleischer, ohio, politics, voting reform, voting rights
The Cuban Calculus
George Bush has a lock on Florida’s Cuban vote, or does he?
(Mother Jones, June 25, 2004)
Tags: 2004 election, cuba, cuban voters, daily mojo, florida, jeff fleischer, mother jones
The Next Florida Could Be … Florida
Outstanding lawsuits, allegations of fraud, uneven standards for voting. Will history repeat itself in the 2004 election?
(Mother Jones, October 7, 2004)
Tags: 2004 election, daily mojo, florida, jeff fleischer, mother jones, voting patterns, voting reform, voting rights
“The Politics of Bigotry and Hatred”
Former HUD secretary Mel Martinez gets the nod to run for a Florida Senate seat. More’s the pity.
(Mother Jones, September 1, 2004)
Tags: 2004 election, bill mccollum, bob graham, daily mojo, florida, jeb bush, jeff fleischer, mel martinez, mother jones, senate